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Selectmen's Minutes December 17, 1996
Minutes of December 3, 1996 Selectmen Meeting

Selectmen Present:  Judith Murdoch, Charles Flynn; Peter Jones and Catherine Kuchinski, chair and clerk of the Board with Joseph Nugent, Executive Secretary to the Board of Selectmen.

I.  Open:  Kuchinski called the meeting to order at 7:32 pm.

II.  Announcements:  (1) PK-8 Building committee Letter:  Board received letters inviting members to presentation by the architects at the School Committee meeting on December 11th.  Jones to attend for the Board.  (2)  Senior Center Living Room Dedication:  Seniors and residents gathering December 8th to name this room in honor of Angela Erben.  Murdoch and Jones to represent the Board and present the citation from the Board honoring her many years of service to the town of Hanson as Director of Elder Services.  (3) Introduction of Hanson Cable Director: Shannon Cadres.  Continental Cable has hired this Hanson resident to direct the activities of the local cable.  Shannon announced her willingness to work with residents to increase cable coverage and visibility within the community.

III.  Golf Course Study Committee applicants:  Board members welcomed the applicants and then set forth their views on the charge for the committee.  Kuchinski reported that Town Clerk could only swear five members to the Committee.  Members requested the committee objectively study the issue of whether there should be a golf course in Hanson and whether the Town should be involved.  Information from surrounding tows should be gathered as quickly as possible with pros and cons identified and discussed.  Community input is sought.  Town assistance guarantee in any way requested.  Board asked for regular updates from the appointed committee.  Motion 12/03/96.1:  move that the Board of Selectmen appoint the following five individuals as the voting members of the Golf Study Committee:  Peter Ashe of 23 Chandlers Mill Road; Richard Powers; D. Thomas Smiley of 564 Main Street; Roger McGovern of 145 Indian Trail; and Russell King of 680 King Street with letters being sent to Lila Coyle, Matthew Murphy and Phil Lindquist encouraging them to also attend meetings to assist the committee in its charge to bring a report to the May Town Meeting.  Motion made by Murdoch with second by Jones.  Motion carried 4-0.  Jones noted he would try to attend meetings as liaison.

IV.  Update on MBTA Old Colony RR Project:  Bill Danner also present.  A memo from O'Toole received outlining responses to four previously identified concerns of the Town.  The sidewalk to High Street is being picked up by the "clean-up" contract addressing all items missed in other contracts.  Nugent noted that Marini had contacted MBTA office for the Town and he also has been told that all work is expected to be completed by June 30, 1997 with trains running by September.

V.  Vote renewals of 1997 liquor licenses:  The following establishments have forwarded their requests for renewals.  All taxes have been paid and no problems have been noted with the current license.  Motion 12/03/96.2:  move that the Board of Selectmen issue 1997 renewal liquor licenses for 14-58 liquors, Hanson Plymouth Liquors, Myette's Country Store, Village Mini Mart, Alfred & Paul's, Cataldi's, Ciao Despina, Hanson Athletic Association, Hanson American Legion Post 226, J&R's Indian Head pub, J.J.'s Pub, Olde Hitching Post Restaurant, Phil's Restaurant, Seafood Connection, and House of Pizza.  Motion made by Murdoch with second by Flynn.  Motion carried 4-0.

Kuchinski noted that Board members will also sign the Certificate upon which is noted any establishment currently holding license which fails to renew for a 1997 license.

VI.  Vote renewals of 1997 live entertain license:  Again, no complaints known and all monies have been paid.  Motion 12/03/97.3:  Move that the Board of Selectmen renew the Live Entertainment License for Keeoffi, Inc. dba Cataldi's. Motion made by Murdoch with second by Flynn.  Motion carried 4-0.

VII.  Vote 1997 Automatic Amusement Licenses:  Again, no complaints known and monies have been paid.  Nugent did note that some difficulty occurs occasionally when a new machine comes in to replace an existing machine - there is some chasing to properly list the machines for the establishment with the Town.  The police department regularly checks these establishments for compliance.  Motion 12/03/96.4: move that the Board of Selectmen issue Automatic Amusement licenses for American Legion Post 226 - 4 devices; Hanson A A Bowladrome - 4 devices; Hanson AA - 4 devices; Hanson Tavern - 4 devices no device may be used for gambling).  Motion made by Murdoch with second by Flynn.  Motion carried 4-0.

VIII.  Vote 1997 Class II Licenses:  All monies paid and no problems known.  Nugent noted that the Building Inspector has visited each establishment in order to check for site plan compliance.  Motion 12/03/96.5:  move that the Board of Selectman issue Class II license for Lyle Waite at 68 King Street; David Hatch dba Wheels n Deals at 875 Monponsett Street; Raymond Simmons dba Signature Sales at 19 Mattakeesett Street; J.J.'s Automotive at 169 Franklin Street.  Motion made by Murdoch with second by Flynn.  Motion carried 4-0.

IX.  Vote Renewal of Taxi License:  On hold until December 17th; Nugent to check for this missing license renewal certificate.

X.  Update on Catherine Road project:  At last meeting a vote was taken to sign the original sewer agreement between the Towns of Hanson and Whitman.  Kuchinski requested a new motion this evening to clarify the date of signing the agreement is this evening.  Motion 12/03/96.6:  move that the Board of Selectmen sign the Sewer Agreement between Hanson and Whitman for the proposed subdivision known as Catherine Road.  Motion made by Flynn with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.  The licensing agreement still needs to be filled in with the details and be seen by the Board of Selectmen.  It will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.

Appointment:  Motion 12/03/96.7:  move to appoint John Norton of 31 Indian Path to the Capital Improvement Committee for a term to expire June 30, 1999.  Motion by Murdoch with second by Flynn.  Motion carried 4-0.  This appointment replaced Mr. Fopiano whose resignation was announced at the last meeting.
Resignation:  Kuchinski reported that a letter from John Travers has been received informing the Board of his resignation effective December 18, 1996 from the Capital Improvement Committee.  Motion 12/03/96.8:  move to accept with deep regret the resignation of John Travers from the Capital Improvement Committee effective December 18, 1996.  Motion by Flynn with second by Jones.  Motion carried 4-0.  Kuchinski requested Nugent forward letter to the Town Clerk's office for proper docketing.

XII.  Committee Positions available:  Kuchinski noted that the following Committees need assistance:  Capital Improvement Committee (1); Street Acceptance Committee may need one citizen representative shortly; Cable TV Committee (2-4); several to the Parks and Field Committee; 2 Measurers of Bark, 2 Fence Viewers, alternates to the Board of Appeals; and several for the Insurance Committee appointed by the moderator and PK-8 Building Committee appointed by the School Committee.  Interested people should contact the Selectmen's office.

XIII.  Executive Secretary Report:  (1) Firefighter Contract issue;  Jones outlined the issues with the Memorandum of Understanding negotiated with the union on the issue of protective clothings.  Motion 12/03/96.9:  move the Board accept and sign the Memorandum of Understanding as negotiated with Local 2713 International Association of Firefighters AFL-CIO on the issue of protective clothing.  Motion by Flynn with second by Jones.  Motion carried 4-0.  (2) Highway grievance on Overtime:  Nugent updated Board members on the arbitration efforts to settle this matter and came up with an acceptable compromise.  Highway Surveyor to set up a plowing policy calling for definite rest breaks.  Motion 12/03/96.10:  move that the Board accept and sign the Grievance agreement as settled with AFSCME Council Local 1700 on the issue of interpretation of the overtime contract clause. Motion by Murdoch with second by Flynn.  Motion carried 4-0.  (3) Tax Title Auction:  "Treasurer/Collector sold 15 properties obtaining $63,000 for the Town.  Next auction set for the Fall of 1997.  (4) Generate Letter Requesting Responses from Boards:  A letter to be drafted requesting comments either way to be given back to information requests from Selectmen to other Boards or vice versa.  (5) Transfer of use of Vehicle:  Fire department personnel no longer require the use of the vehicle to travel to school, Nugent reports that the Dog Officer is using his personal car for his duties.  Motion 12/03/96.11:  move that the Board transfer the use of the 1988/9 Ford Crown Vic vehicle to the Dog Officer.  Motion by Murdoch with second by Flynn.  Motion carried 4-0.  (6)  Municipal Plate: Housing Authority requesting the use of a municipal plate from the Town.  Nugent to do further research and make a presentation at the next meeting.  (7) Fire Chief contract:  Kuchinski requested that the Chief be scheduled to talk with the Board in Executive Session at the January 7, 1997 meeting.

XIV.  Selectmen Action Requests or Reports:  Kuchinski reported that the Drainage Committee met 11/23/96 and that the Street Acceptance Committee met last evening and acknowledged that progress is being made on addressing the next group of unaccepted streets.  She also noted that the Alternate Sewerage Study Committee should be meeting later in January.  Kuchinski also asked that Nugent check on the whereabouts of the outside flags.  Kuchinski also requested Board members consider meeting 3 times a month regularly during budget season to begin with.  61A land request decision will be on the next agenda.

XV.  Adjournment:  ;Motion 12/03/96.12:  move to adjourn.  Motion made by Flynn with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.  Adjourned at 8:55 pm.